Saturday, June 4, 2011

About Us

We didn't start out as farmers — we started out as good eaters.

We believe that every single thing we do as farmers is connected to—and impacts—the environment at large. We believe that nutritious food produced from nature is the cornerstone of a healthy community. And we take pride in making great food available to our friends, our neighbors, and you.

Our goal is to create a successful business that can support us, while preserving the land around us. We hope in the process to be able to educate others on the importance of farming and its contribution to our community. Supporting local farmers not only results in better tasting and healthier food; it helps to grow a vibrant local economy and preserves open space and the rural character we all cherish.

We believe in sustainable agriculture. We use natural based sprays, and we employ organic methods of pest control whenever possible. We are constantly improving our systems, so that they flow more directly from the examples we see in nature. We resist quick fixes that solve short-term problems while hiding or creating deeper issues. We select for plants and animals that balance productivity with ruggedness and adaptability. We work with and foster the various microclimates found on our farm. We are mildly obsessed with aquaculture and the density of life within it. We select and develop technologies that respect natural systems and use energy efficiently. And we are amazed at how much better we can always do, how much we have to learn.

Please peruse the site and contact us with any questions.